Shipment of the products is to be effected once half a year. All the shipping expenses will be for your account. Include shipping, handling or storage in the total material cost. 成品每半年装运一次,全部运费将由你方负担。要将运输费、搬运装卸费或储存成本包括在原材料成本中。
Prices for products change from country to country due to various duties, distribution fees, and shipping expenses. 因关税、经销费用和运费各异,产品价格在每个国家各不相同。
On my list "The Kombucha Exchange-Where you get Kombucha" you will find addresses of friendly and helpful people who give you a culture for free or just for the shipping expenses. “康普茶交易你在什么地方能得到康普茶”你将发现朋友们和有帮助人们的地址,免费赠送你培养物或付邮局费用。
We shall ship the assembled finished products to you at port destination as instructed by you. All the shipping expenses shall be borne by you. 我方将组装好的成品运至你方指定的目的港。全部运费由你方负担。
Payment of the processing fee and shipping expenses shall be made by irrevocable letter of credit to be opened by you. 你方用不可撤销的信用证支付加工费和装运费。
According to related statistics, container management cost is a large cost in the total cost of shipping line operating, and more than half of container management fee is resulted from empty container distribution problem which is related to the reposition expenses and leasing cost. 据相关数据显示,集装箱管理费用在班轮公司航线营运成本中所占比重较大的一部分,而集装箱空箱调运问题所涉及到的调运费用和租箱费用占航线集装箱管理费用的一半以上。